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Tips and Tricks to keep your shoes at their best

Outdoor shoes are designed to faithfully accompany us in any kind of adventure: from easy walks in the nature to more challenging mountain hikes. But even though they're built to last, it's still essential to take care of them regularly to keep them in shape and extend their lifespan. What is the best way to do that?

Well, the first question to ask is: which is the material your shoe is made of?

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Full Grain Leather

One of the most widely used and popular materials for manufacturing footwear. It is extremely hard-wearing, durable and adapts to the foot like no other material. Find out how to take care of it so it maintains these characteristics intact over time.

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Suede Leather

Suppleness and comfort are the most significant characteristics of suede. Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserving these over time, find out how.

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Synthetic Material

An increasingly popular solution in athletic footwear. Lightweight, resistant to wear and tear and more importantly, easy to clean.

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Insole and Inner Lining

The inside part of our footwear also requires special attention. Find out how to take care of it and avoid deteriorating before time.

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