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Nightfall in the desert

28 May 2019

Tonight, a cold wind is rising a fine and annoying sand.

From the vertex of the dunes it rises slightly, giving, even more, to this place, the sense of infinity.

My jeep is beached and now, on foot, I want to reach those ridges high up and from there to see further east, the forbidden borders with Algeria.

Scanning the horizon at dusk I see, down there where the sand is smoother, caravans of slow but inexorable camels going south, and even farther away, blurred by the last heat that rises from the stones, the intense green of the palms washed by the providential and rare rains of these last days.

Marocco Desert caravan


I sit at the highest point and absorb this wonder: the desert, the spaces, the big skies, a deafening silence broken only by the hiss of wind gusts.

The charming beauty of the "nothing", that even more than "everything" leads us to dream, to imagine and to create.

The darkness, as always here, comes really fast, in a moment.

The sun down here hides beyond the horizon. Everything disappear: and it is suddently night.    

Marocco Desert girl