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Manrico Dell'Agnola

Manrico Dell'Agnola

Manrico Dell’Agnola was born in Agordo in 1959. A long-time fan of the mountains and photography, he has been to many places around the world to climb the toughest faces and bring home, thanks to photography, images of these exciting climbs for himself and others.
He began his professional photographic career some thirty-five years ago. 
His activity ranges from sport to architecture, from still lifes to reportages. His favourite sets are the most beautiful, isolated and inaccessible places in the world. To Manrico, photography is not just a job but the most enjoyable way for him to express his relationship with the world and his images are the fruit not only of pure technique but also of sensitivity, patience and profound knowledge of the alpine environment.
Manrico has climbed thousands of alpine routes. New routes, new-solo and winter ones, and record-time climbs. Not all his journeys proceed vertically, his curriculum vitae also includes expeditions across the Arctic and Patagonia.
Manrico still leads a busy working life. He lives in Mel, at the foot of the Belluno Dolomites. As a creative artist involved in advertising he works with magazines and companies and contributes words and images for books and guides about the mountains. He is an academic of the CAAI (Italian Academic Alpine Club) and a member of the GISM (Italian Mountain Writers Group). A few years ago he published Uomini fuori posto, his first, autobiographical book, which was a considerable success. He was also the editor for three years of the Club Alpino Accademico's prestigious journal.