Regular stuff at el Chalten

02 April 2019

What a grey weather we’re having this morning. We are all piled on the back of Piro's pick-up truck, stopped here for far too long.We’re waiting for someone who can open the doors of a warehouse, inside of which – as far as I’ve understood – there should be a tank of diesel fuel of dubious origin.

Down here in Patagonia the complicated things are easily solved while the simple ones, like getting a refuel, becomes a big problem. We are wrapped up, it's cold and there is the usual cold wind that creeps up to the bones.

patagonia dolomite

It is now 11 o'clock when three people (because to carry some keys you must be at least in three!) arrive with the keys of the elusive warehouse. Inside, we luckily find what we needed.

The refuel proceed slowly and in a rudimentary way. With the tank placed on the hood of the truck, the three gauchos take turns to fill the pick up's gas tank by means of a straw.No wonder: we are in South America! The time here is different from ours, it is much more "elastic". The important thing is not to get nervous and adapt to the environment and to the people.

At the end, we managed to get refuelled, heading towards the mountains at noon.The white granite of Fitz Roy and the blue waters of Los Tres Lake make us forget everything and consider these little surprises as "almost peculiar" facts of these wonderful places!

los tres lake