120 years anniversary: a long true story

31 January 2018

Dolomite has been moulded by its epic undertakings, which have left their mark on the history of mountaineering. In 1954 an Italian expedition equipped with Dolomite boots was the first to reach the K2 summit of Karakorum, the second highest peak in the world. This was followed over the years by many other adventures: from the  Greenland expedition in 1966 and the conquest of Dhaulagiri, the “white mountain”, the seventh-highest peak in the world, to the ascent of Monte Fitz Roy, Patagonia, in 1976.

Together with its sports-related success the brand also won major international design prizes, such as the prestigious Compasso d’Oro, which Dolomite has won twice, in 1957 and 1967, and the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2011.

Dolomite a long true story 1897-2017

Iconic products representative of an era, not just in the world of technical footwear for the mountains but also in the sportswear and casual apparel sectors. An outstanding example is the legendary Artic, the padded jacket made in many different colours, worn by the generation of the Eighties. It was then that Dolomite became a lifestyle brand, too, but it stayed loyal to its style and never lost sight of its sports-driven brand identity inspired by the majesty of the Dolomites.

Dolomite celebrates its 120th Anniversary with a special celebratory collection.