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The charm of Monte Tesoro

04 October 2021

As far as I'm concerned, the concept of “mountains” does not refer only and exclusively to solitary and very high peaks. I feel the concept of the mountains less exclusive and I feel it mine every time I manage to isolate myself in contact with nature and the wind. I deeply love 2000, 3000 meters and all the essential challenges they present. However, I do not mind having the opportunity to quickly escape to a simpler, more immediate, and closer summit.

 k looking at the landscape

Monte Tesoro, which divides the province of Lecco and Bergamo, is a soft peak of the Resegone ridge that exactly reflects these characteristics. You can reach it after a difficult day of work, or maybe even before it, it allows you to fill up with that light and that energy capable of turning every day. It can be reached from different paths, the fastest and simplest is certainly the one that starts from the Pertus lake, easily reachable by car.

 K and Anna posing

However, I am convinced that every type of trekking must be accompanied by the right equipment, it is important not to underestimate either the mountain or the nature, even if we are about to tackle paths that are not too complex. For this reason, the Braies up is simply perfect for the short and however intense path. The Vibram sole transmits safety at every step, masterfully dividing me first from the cobblestones and then from the real stone in the final sections of the path. The foot is comfortable and very cool at the same time, perfect for spring / summer weather. Anna, who decided to accompany me, wanted to play it safe instead, back from a bad twist of the past year due to inadequate shoes, now she loves the Steinbock GTX that give her safety and stability on every path.

 Braies and Steinbock close up

The path to Mount Tesoro is very exposed and with many ups and downs giving beautiful views of the Lecco mountains and Lake Como. You get to the top at 1400 meters in half an hour, here you will find a particular refuge with a shrine inside dedicated to the Alpine troops. The view is stunning. The refuge is in a straight line with the Resegone ridge above which the Grignetta rises. Below us all the Lecco branch and the Annone lake. Impossible to escape before enjoying the whole sunset, right down to the last drop, until the sun disappears, leaving behind only the blue that heralds the night.

 K posing

The temperatures also start to drop as we go down in the dark, but I feel great with the Karakorum Jacket that protects me from the wind without making me sweat and Anna who is much colder loves the padding of the new Karakorum Prime Evo that it allows an optimal insulation but without exaggerated dimensions.

K and Anna walking

We easily return in no time to the Pertus lake to enjoy in comfort the last lights of the day disappearing, and the high and lonely mountains darken more and more above us.