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The beauty of Rajasthan - Part 1

12 June 2019

We land in India late at night. Bhawar, our guide, is waiting for us. He's the one who will accompany us throughout this journey into the heart of Rajasthan. The heat immediately gets more intense as soon as we leave the terminal.

A brief organizational chat and then we're off to our hotel to rest, finally. The following day our morning alarm is way merciful; we set off towards Agra late in the morning, leaving the chaotic New Delhi behind us.



After five hours in the car, at sunset we arrive on the opposite riverbank, in front of it: the Taj Mahal!  The view is really breathtaking, unique. Fully excited by the remarkable charm of the sunset, we decided to experience it even at the first light of dawn, so we set our next morning alarm very early to not miss the show.
We conclude our first day in India by visiting Agra and its beautiful fort: "The fort of Akbar", built around 1560, it is also located on the bank of the Yumana river. The double walls are up to 20 meters high and have a circumference of 2.5 km.


I would say that the day has already been quite rich, and we can rest with a nice roundup of adrenaline in our bodies.
As I mentioned before, the following day the alarm rings early, heading for Taj Mahal. What to say: the dawn on this wonder of the universe is something unique. Its reflection in the water of the front garden is unlikely to be forgotten.
After having spent an entire morning discovering and browsing the undisputed symbol of India, we set off for Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan.
Along the way, a little break in a truly unique piece of history, Fatehpur Sikri: a fortress city built by Emperor Akbar with the intention of making it the ideal capital, moving the court from Agra to this city.


In the late afternoon we arrive in Jaipur, just long enough time to freshen up in our beautiful hotel’s pool, a historic Indian estate restored and converted into a hotel.
Jaipur is magnificent: it is modernity, history and culture at the same time. Absolutely not to be missed in the capital of Rajasthan: first of all, Amber Fort, the fort of amber for its characteristic yellow-orange color that leaves you speechless.
The Palace of Winds, the Hawa Mahal: a real beehive dotted with many windows that allowed the Maharaja's wives to spy on him because they could not leave the palace.


The Water Palace or Jal Mahal, the Maharaja's summer residence, is a bit off center but definitely worth a visit. It is a palace built in the middle of a lake that offers wonderful reflections; the Monkey Temple, the temple rises between two hills and is composed of several colored buildings and a large water pool where you can admire the refreshing bath of the numerous monkeys populating it. 
Finally, Patrika Gate, one of the access gates to the city of Jaiupur with the famous Rahajastan inscription.


Photo and text credits: Fabio Accorrà - Viaggiare senza confini