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Claudio Pelizzeni

Claudio Pelizzeni

Travel blogger and writer, sometimes videomaker and even podcaster, Claudio spends his life traveling and telling stories. We can conventionally say that he lives in Piacenza, but the world is actually his home and his life is a never-ending wild journey.

He has been a dreamer since he was a child, but without knowing why he graduated in Economics and Financial Markets from Bocconi University and immediately started working in the sector. He remains locked in a cage within the walls of various credit institutions for ten years, then a Po valley sunset reminds him that he is unhappy. He left everything and that's when the adventure begins: he travels around the world in 1000 days without planes, he launches the triptherapy.net blog, his videos end up on television at Licia Colò and the Mondadori group publishes his first book, “The horizon every day a little later ”, an account of his life change. He does not stop: he takes the Camino de Santiago with a vow of absolute silence, starting from Bobbio, his favorite Italian village, and writes his second novel, "The silence of my steps". He publishes a third book, “Traveling”, where he reveals his tricks as a skilled traveler. Today he is one of the founding members of SiVola.it, the first Italian tour operator of travel bloggers and is working like crazy on his fourth publication.